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Table of contents

  1. FFI: Foreign Function Interface
  2. FFI Types
  3. Allocate and free
    1. Allocate memory and pass to C
    2. Null terminated strings
    3. Unaligned Class
    4. CPtr
  4. Exception handling

FFI: Foreign Function Interface

The Haskell foreign function interface is a specification to call foreign functions(mainly C functions) from Haskell. It looks like this:

  • In Foo.hs:

      foreign import ccall unsafe "foo" c_foo :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
  • In foo.c:

      int foo(int x, int y){
  • In cabal file:

          c-sources: foo.c

With proper setup, cabal could orchestrate the compilation and give you a static linked binary. The FFI specification specify the concrete syntax in Haskell side, to ensure a successful FFI call, you have to pay attention to several aspects:

  • The types in Haskell and C are matched.
  • How to allocate memory for C side, and when to free.
  • The difference between unsafe FFI calls, and safe ones.

Beside above points, you’ll have to use correct calling conventions(which would be ccall for most of the time), write C wrappers if you want to call C++, etc.

FFI Types

Here’s a table of common FFI types that can be passed between C and Haskell, and where can you find them:

C type, header Haskell type, module Haskell type(with UnliftedFFITypes enable), module
bool, built-in CBool, Foreign.C.types -
int, built-in CInt, Foreign.C.types -
uint, built-in CUInt, Foreign.C.types -
long, built-in CLong, Foreign.C.types -
ulong, built-in CULong, Foreign.C.types -
uchar, built-in Word8, Data.Word -
char, built-in Int8, Data.Word -
uint8_t, stdint.h Word8, Data.Word -
uint16_t, stdint.h Word16, Data.Word -
uint32_t, stdint.h Word32, Data.Word -
uint64_t, stdint.h Word64, Data.Word -
int8_t, stdint.h Int8, Data.Int -
int16_t, stdint.h Int16, Data.Int -
int32_t, stdint.h Int32, Data.Int -
int64_t, stdint.h Int64, Data.Int -
type *, built-in Ptr type, Foreign.Ptr Addr#, GHC.Prim
HsInt, HsFFI.h Int, Prelude Int#, GHC.Prim
HsWord, HsFFI.h Word, Prelude Word#, GHC.Prim
HsBool, HsFFI.h Bool, Prelude -
double, built-in Double, Prelude Double#, GHC.Prim
float, built-in Float, Prelude Float#, GHC.Prim
size_t, stddef.h CSize, Foreign.C.types Word#, GHC.Prim

Some types’ size depend on platform(32-bit, 64-bit), e.g. the HsInt/Int ‘s size is 32 bits on 32-bit machine, or 64 bits on 64-bit ones. GHC also support passing some array types to C but not vice versa:

C type, header Haskell type, module Haskell type(with UnliftedFFITypes enable), module
type *, built-in - MutableByteArray#, GHC.Prim
const type *, built-in - ByteArray#, GHC.Prim
StgMutArrPtrs *(ghc<8.10), StgArrBytes **, Rts.h - ArrayArray#, GHC.Prim

The Haskell FFI specification also support function address, which is useful when used as weak pointer’s finailizers.

foreign import ccall "&free" free :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())

Allocate and free

It’s common to have a C function needs dynamic allocated arrays, there’re two solutions in general:

  • Allocate from C side, pass pointer back to Haskell, then use ForeignPtr from Foreign.ForeignPtr or CPtr from Z.Foreign.CPtr to wrap it, and ensure the memory will be freed when no longer needed.
  • Allocate from Haskell side as a GC managed heap object, then pass to C for manipulation.

Usually it’s recomended to use the second method, since the memory is still under GHC GC’s management, so you don’t have to worry about free.

Allocate memory and pass to C

There’re some helpers in Z.Foreign to help you with allocating and passing, it’s important to have some knowledge about GHC runtime system to get things right. GHC runtime is garbaged collected, and there’re two types of primitive array in GHC, with the objective to minimize overall memory management cost:

  • Small primitive arrays created with newPrimArray are directly allocated on GHC heap, which can be moved by GHC garbage collector, we call these arrays unpinned. Allocating these array is cheap, we only need to check heap limit and bump heap pointer just like any other haskell heap objects. But we will pay GC cost , which is OK for small arrays.

  • Large primitive array and those created with newPinnedPrimArray are allocated on GHC managed memory blocks, which is also traced by garbage collector, but will never moved before freed, thus are called pinned. Allocating these arrays are bit more expensive since it’s more like how malloc works, but we don’t have to pay for GC cost.

Beside the pinned/unpinned difference, we have two types of FFI calls in GHC:

  • Safe FFI call annotated with safe keyword. These calls are executed on separated OS thread, which can be running concurrently with GHC garbage collector, thus we want to make sure only pinned arrays are passed. The main use case for safe FFIs are long running functions, for example, doing IO polling. Since these calls are running on separated OS thread, haskell thread on original OS thread will not be affected.

  • Unsafe FFI call annotated with unsafe keyword. These calls are executed on the same OS thread which is running the haskell side FFI code, which will in turn stop GHC from doing a garbage collection. We can pass both pinned and unpinned arrays in this case. The use case for unsafe FFIs are short/small functions, which can be treated like a fat primitive operations, such as memcpy, memcmp. Using unsafe FFI with long running functions will effectively block GHC runtime thread from running any other haskell threads, which is dangerous. Even if you use threaded runtime and expect your haskell thread can be stolen by other OS threads, but this will not work since GHC garbage collector will refuse to run if one of the OS thread is blocked by FFI calls.

Base on above analysis, we have following FFI strategy table:

FFI \ Array pinned unpinned
unsafe directly pass directly pass
safe directly pass make a copy

Helpers in Z.Foreign are also divided into two categories: those with unsafe suffix to be used with unsafe FFI, and those with safe suffix to be used with safe FFI. Following is a example to try accommodate a small C function:

include <HsFFI.h>

void c_add_and_time(HsInt x, HsInt y, HsInt* add_result, HsInt* time_result){
    *add_result = x + y;
    *time_result = x * y;
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedFFITypes #-}

import Z.Foreign

foreign import ccall unsafe c_add_and_time :: Int -> Int -> MBA# Int ->  MBA# Int -> IO ()

cAddTime :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int)
cAddTime x y = do
    fst <$> allocPrimUnsafe @Int (\ add_result ->
        fst <$> allocPrimUnsafe @Int (\ time_result -> 
            c_add_and_time x y add_result time_result))

Now when you call cAdd in haskell:

  1. allocPrimUnsafe function will allocate a single element MutablePrimArray Int to be used as Int pointer, here we use two allocPrimUnsafe to allocate memory for save add and time results.
  2. The x and y parameters are passed as Int, and receive as HsInt in C. The add_result and time_result are passed as MBA# Int, which is type alias for MutableByteArray#, and received as HsInt* in C.
  3. allocPrimUnsafe will auto peek result from the single element array, and return together with FFI’s return value, which is ignored by fst.

The memory allocated by allocPrimUnsafe, allocPrimArrayUnsafe and allocPrimVectorUnsafe is not pinned, so you can’t get the address first, then pass it as Ptr a. The only way to pass them is to use MutableByteArray# and ByteArray# primitive types. In Z.Foreign module BA# a and MBA# a type alias are defined for writing convenience:

-- for const pointers
type BA# a = ByteArray#
-- for writable pointers
type MBA# a = MutableByteArray# RealWorld

Since they are type aliases, the type tag is only for document. You should use proper pointer types on C side to receive them just like a Ptr a. Another common problem with BA# and MBA# is that they can only pass the array’s first element’s address, thus you have to manually pass a seperate offset parameter if you want to work with certain range of the array. This can be illustrated by following code:

include <HsFFI.h>

// here we write a wrapper to receive a slice of bytearray
HsInt hs_memchr(const uint8_t *a, HsInt aoff, uint8_t b, HsInt n) {
    a += aoff;
    uint8_t *p = memchr(a, b, (size_t)n);
    if (p == NULL) return -1;
    else return (p - a);
import Z.Foreign
import Data.Word
import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V

foreign import ccall unsafe hs_memchr :: BA# Word8 -> Int -> Word8 -> Int -> IO Int

memchrBytes :: V.Bytes -> Word8 -> Int
memchrBytes bs x = withPrimVector bs $ \ mba off len -> hs_memchr mba off x len

The safe FFI variation withPrimVectorSafe is simplier, the offset is directly added to the address of pinned memory, so there’s only a pointer and an address parameter. It’s highly recommended to use unpinned allocation if possible, because pinned allocation often lead to memory fragmentation due their garbage collection strategy, especially under a lot of small repetitive allocations.

Null terminated strings

C use a lot of null ternimated strings, i.e. char* where no length info is needed because it’s assumed that the string always ended with a NULL ternimator. In Haskell we provide a special type for this, that is the CBytes type from Z.Data.CBytes module. Similar to withPrimVectorUnsafe and WithPrimVectorSafe, use WithCBytesUnsafe and withCBytes to pass a CBytes to C FFI.

> :m + Z.Data.CBytes Z.Foreign Data.Word
> foreign import ccall unsafe strlen :: BA# Word8 -> IO CSize
> withCBytesUnsafe  "hello, world!" strlen
> foreign import ccall safe "strlen" strlen_safe :: Ptr Word8 -> IO CSize
> withCBytes "hello, world!" strlen_safe

Use allocCBytesUnsafe, allocCBytes to allocate memory to be passed to C, return CBytes back.

> foreign import ccall unsafe sprint :: MBA# Word8 -> BA# Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
> allocCBytesUnsafe 32 $ \ dest -> withCBytesUnsafe "result is %d" $ \ fmt -> sprintf dest fmt 3
("result is 3",())

To get CBytes from null terminated char*, use fromCString or peekMBACBytes. If the memory is allocated from C, it’s recommend to use bracket to ensure memory get freed.

Unaligned Class

Sometime the memory passed to C are written with some struct fields, you could use Storable machinery from Foreign.Storable to peek/poke data from/to the memory, but Storable use Ptr a, so it requires pinned memory whose address is fixed. In Z-Data an alternative way to do this is to use Unaligned class from Z.Data.Array.Unaligned module. Here’s a code sample from Z-IO:

// definitions from libuv
typedef struct uv_passwd_s {
    char* username;
    long uid;
    long gid;
    char* shell;
    char* homedir;
} uv_passwd_t;

int uv_os_get_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd);
void uv_os_free_passwd(uv_passwd_t* pwd);
import Z.Foreign
import Z.Data.Array.Unaligned
import Z.IO.Exception
import Z.Data.CBytes

-- | Data type for password file information.
data PassWD = PassWD
    { passwd_username :: CBytes
    , passwd_uid :: UID
    , passwd_gid :: GID
    , passwd_shell :: CBytes
    , passwd_homedir :: CBytes
    }   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

foreign import ccall unsafe uv_os_get_passwd :: MBA## PassWD -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe uv_os_free_passwd :: MBA## PassWD -> IO ()

-- | Gets a subset of the password file entry for the current effective uid (not the real uid).
-- The populated data includes the username, euid, gid, shell, and home directory.
-- On non-Windows systems, all data comes from getpwuid_r(3).
-- On Windows, uid and gid are set to -1 and have no meaning, and shell is empty.
getPassWD :: HasCallStack => IO PassWD
getPassWD =  bracket
    (do mpa@(MutableByteArray mba##) <- newByteArray (#size uv_passwd_t)
        throwUVIfMinus_ (uv_os_get_passwd mba##)
        return mpa)
    (\ (MutableByteArray mba##) -> uv_os_free_passwd mba##)
    (\ (MutableByteArray mba##) -> do
        username <- fromCString =<< peekMBA mba## (#offset uv_passwd_t, username)
        uid <- fromIntegral <$> (peekMBA mba## (#offset uv_passwd_t, uid) :: IO CLong)
        gid <- fromIntegral <$> (peekMBA mba## (#offset uv_passwd_t, gid) :: IO CLong)
        shell <- fromCString =<< peekMBA mba## (#offset uv_passwd_t, shell)
        homedir <- fromCString =<< peekMBA mba## (#offset uv_passwd_t, homedir)
        return (PassWD username uid gid shell homedir))

Note above Haskell code use hsc2hs to get constants(struct size, field offset, etc.) from C code, ## is # escaped in .hsc file. uv_os_get_passwd asks for a uv_passwd_t* struct pointer which must a valid writable memory location, so in Haskell we manually allocate memory with newByteArray and pass the MutableByteArray# as a pointer. After FFI is complete, we use peekMBA from Unaligned class to read the char* pointer, then use fromCString from Z.Data.CBytes to copy the result. After copy completes, uv_os_free_passwd is called to free any memory allocated in C code.


For some cases, allocation from C is mandatory, e.g. you can’t get size to allocate(hidden from C). We will use CPtr as an example to illustrate how do we keep reference to some opaque C struct.

First you have to prepare a pair of allocation and free functions:

struct foo_s{

typedef struct foo_s foo_t;

// the allocation function
foo_t *new_foo(int x);

// the free function
void destroy_foo(foo_t* foo);

// some function need foo_t
void bar(foo_t* foo);

Now we import these functions in Haskell:

import Z.Foreign
import Z.Foreign.CPtr

data Foo

foreign import ccall unsafe new_foo :: CInt -> IO (Ptr Foo)
foreign import ccall unsafe "&destroy_foo" destroy_foo :: FunPtr (Ptr Foo -> IO ())

newFoo :: Int -> IO (CPtr Foo)
newFoo x = newCPtr' (new_foo (fromIntegral x)) destroy_foo

-- use `withCPtr` if you want to get foo_t pointer.
foreign import ccall unsafe bar :: Ptr Foo -> IO ()
    foo <- newFoo ...
    withCPtr foo bar

We encapsulate the C strcut foo_t in a Haskell heap object CPtr Foo with following steps:

  • Define a type tag Foo.
  • Import allocation and free functions, the free function should be imported as a FunPtr with its address.
  • Use newCPtr' from Z.Foreign.CPtr to attach the free function as finalizer, which will be call once the CPtr Foo is collected.
  • withCPtr will get the pointer back and ensure it will not get collected during the FFI computation.

Exception handling

C libraries usually have some conventions on error handling, e.g. return a minus error code to indicate exception case. It’s recommend to define an exception type then provide helpers. Following is an example in Z-Botan:

  • Import Error code in hsc file:
pattern BOTAN_FFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR             :: CInt
pattern BOTAN_FFI_SUCCESS                         = (#const BOTAN_FFI_SUCCESS)
  • Define an extensible exception type.
data SomeBotanException = forall e . Exception e => SomeBotanException e

instance Show SomeBotanException where
    show (SomeBotanException e) = show e

instance Exception SomeBotanException

botanExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException
botanExceptionToException = toException . SomeBotanException

botanExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
botanExceptionFromException x = do
    SomeBotanException a <- fromException x
    cast a

#define BotanE(e) data e = e CInt CallStack deriving Show;  \
           instance Exception e where                     \
               { toException = botanExceptionToException     \
               ; fromException = botanExceptionFromException \

  • And provide helpers for FFI code:
throwBotanIfMinus :: (HasCallStack, Integral a) => IO a -> IO a
throwBotanIfMinus f = do
    r <- f
    when (r < 0) (throwBotanError_ (fromIntegral r) callStack)
    return r

throwBotanIfMinus_ :: (HasCallStack, Integral a) => IO a -> IO ()
throwBotanIfMinus_ f = do
    r <- f
    when (r < 0) (throwBotanError_ (fromIntegral r) callStack)

throwBotanError :: HasCallStack => CInt -> IO ()
throwBotanError r = throwBotanError_ r callStack

throwBotanError_ :: CInt -> CallStack -> IO ()
throwBotanError_ r cs =  case r of
    BOTAN_FFI_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT             -> throw (InvalidInput r cs)
    BOTAN_FFI_ERROR_BAD_MAC                   -> throw (BadMac r cs)
    BOTAN_FFI_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER_SPACE -> throw (InsufficientBufferSpace r cs)
  • In FFI code, use helper to throw exception when needed:
foreign import ccall unsafe hs_botan_mac_update :: BotanStructT -> BA## Word8 -> Int -> Int-> IO CInt

updateMAC :: HasCallStack => MAC -> V.Bytes -> IO ()
updateMAC (MAC bts _ _) bs =
    withBotanStruct bts $ \ pbts ->
        withPrimVectorUnsafe bs $ \ pbs off len ->
            throwBotanIfMinus_ (hs_botan_mac_update pbts pbs off len)