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Table of contents

  1. Client and server
  2. Send/receive packet
  3. UDP

Client and server

The Network is all about sending and receiving data. Using Z-IO’s Network is straightforward:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Z.IO
import Z.IO.Network
import Z.Data.Text as T

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- use getAddrInfo to perform DNS resolution
    addr:_ <- getAddrInfo Nothing "" "http"
    -- use initTCPClient to initialize a TCP client
    withResource (initTCPClient defaultTCPClientConfig{
            tcpRemoteAddr = addrAddress addr}) $ \ tcp -> do
        -- use BufferedInput/BufferedOutput facility to read from/write to tcp socket
        i <- newBufferedInput tcp
        o <- newBufferedOutput tcp
        writeBuffer o "GET HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
        flushBuffer o
        readBuffer i >>= pure . T.validate

    -- use startTCPServer to start serving in TCP protocol
    startTCPServer defaultTCPServerConfig{
        tcpListenAddr = SocketAddrIPv4 ipv4Loopback 8080} $ \ tcp -> do
            o <- newBufferedOutput tcp
            writeBuffer o "hello world" >> flushBuffer o

Z.Haskell provide several network capabilities:

  • Z.IO.Network.IPC provides the stream channel for inter-process communication based on domain socket(Unix) or named pipe(Windows).
  • Z.IO.Network.TCP provides the stream channel for remote communication based on TCP socket.
  • Z.IO.Network.UDP provides the message channel on top of the UDP socket.
  • A TLS implementation based on botan is under development.

Let’s take TCP module as an example. Lots of low-level socket details(bind, listen, accept, etc.) are hidden, with two high-level operations left:

-- | Connect to a TCP target
initTCPClient :: HasCallStack => TCPClientConfig -> Resource UVStream
-- | Start a TCP server
startTCPServer :: HasCallStack
               => TCPServerConfig
               -> (UVStream -> IO ())
               -- ^ worker which will get an accepted TCP stream
               -- and run in a seperated haskell thread
               -> IO

Send/receive packet

The UVStream type implements the Input/Output class from Z.IO.Buffered, so that you can reuse all the buffered read/write API. For example, let’s say you have designed a simple framed message protocol:

import Data.Word
import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V

--   uint8 message type  uint16 payload length  message payload
--  +------------------+----------------------+------------------
--  |       0xXX       |   0xXXXX(big endian) |       ...
--  +------------------+----------------------+------------------

data Message = Message { msgTyp :: Word8, msgPayload :: V.Bytes }

You can manually decode message frames like this:

-- import bit operations
import Data.Bits    (unsafeShiftL, (.|.))
import Z.IO

readMessage :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO Message
readMessage bi = do
    msg_typ <- readExactly buffered_i 1
    payload_len_h <- readExactly buffered_i 1
    payload_len_l <- readExactly buffered_i 1
    let payload_len =
        (fromIntegral payload_len_h) `unsafeShiftL` 8
            .|. (fromIntegral payload_len_l)
    payload <- readExactly payload_len
    return (Message msg_typ payload)

Or you can use Parser from Z.Data.Parser module:

import qualified Z.Data.Parser as P
import Data.Word
import Z.IO

parseMessage :: P.Parser Message
parseMessage = do
    msg_type <- P.decodePrim @Word8
    payload_len <- P.decodePrimBE @Word16
    payload <- P.take (fromIntegral payload_len)
    return (Message msg_typ payload)

readMessage :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO Message
readMessage = readParser parseMessage

readParser will run Parser once a time, parse Message out of the buffer, and waiting for input automatically. To write a Message to the TCP socket is similar:

import qualified Z.Data.Builder as B
import qualified Z.Data.Vector as V
import Z.IO

writeMessage :: HasCallStack => BufferedOutput -> Message -> IO ()
writeMessage bo (Message msg_typ payload) = do
    -- use Builder monad to compose buffer writing functions
    writeBuilder bo $ do
        B.encodePrim msg_typ
        B.encodePrimBE (V.length payload)
        B.bytes payload
    -- you may want to add a flush after each message has been written
    -- or leave flush to the caller
    -- flushBuffer bo

Z.Haskell provides many tools to deal with the streaming nature of TCP protocol (and many other streaming devices such as IPC and Files). In the next section, we will introduce the BIO, a more high-level streaming API.


UDP is different from IPC or TCP in that it’s a message protocol rather than a streaming one. There are no Input/Output instances for the UDP type. Instead, Z-IO provides message reading & writing functions for UDP directly:

-- | Initialize a UDP socket.
initUDP :: UDPConfig -> Resource UDP
-- | Send a UDP message to target address.
sendUDP :: HasCallStack => UDP -> SocketAddr -> V.Bytes -> IO ()
-- | Receive messages from UDP socket, return source address if available, and a `Bool`
-- to indicate if the message is partial (larger than receive buffer size).
recvUDP :: HasCallStack => UDPRecvConfig -> UDP -> IO [(Maybe SocketAddr, Bool, V.Bytes)]
-- | Receive UDP messages within a loop
recvUDPLoop :: HasCallStack
            => UDPRecvConfig
            -> UDP
            -> ((Maybe SocketAddr, Bool, V.Bytes) -> IO a)
            -> IO ()

Loop receiving(recvUDPLoop) can be faster since it can reuse the receiving buffer internally. Unlike the TCP server above, the UDP worker function is called on the current Haskell thread instead of a forked one. If you have heavy computations within the worker function, consider using forkBa from Z.IO.UV.Manager (a function similar to forkIO, but with active thread balancing).