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Table of contents

  1. Hello File
  2. Resource Handling
  3. Buffered I/O
  4. A note on filepath

Hello File

It’s easy to use Z-IO package’s filesystem module, first please import Z.IO.Filesystem:

import qualified Z.IO.FileSystem as FS

If it’s OK to load a file into memory at once, you can use following:

readFile :: HasCallStack => CBytes -> IO Bytes
readTextFile :: HasCallStack => CBytes -> IO Text
writeFile :: HasCallStack => CBytes -> Bytes -> IO ()
writeTextFile :: HasCallStack => CBytes -> Text -> IO ()

CBytes is Z’s file path type. Bytes, and Text are types for binary and textual content, respectively. These types are documented in Z-Data section. readTextFile and writeTextFile assumes UTF-8 encoding:

> FS.writeTextFile "./test_file" "hello world!"
> FS.readFile "./test_file" 
> FS.readTextFile "./test_file" 
"hello world!"

Resource Handling

Now let’s see a more complicated function:

initFile :: CBytes
         -> FileFlag        -- ^ Opening flags, e.g. 'O_CREAT' @.|.@ 'O_RDWR'
         -> FileMode        -- ^ Sets the file mode (permission and sticky bits),
                            -- but only if the file was created, see 'DEFAULT_FILE_MODE'.
         -> Resource File

FileFlag and FileMode are bit constants controlling the file opening behavior, such as if we have read or write access or if a new file will be created when there’s none. You can find more constants on hackage docs. The interesting thing here is that initFile function returns a Resource File type instead of IO File. Resource is defined in Z.IO.Resource module, with following functions to use it:

withResource :: HasCallStack
             => Resource a      -- ^ resource management record
             -> (a -> IO b)     -- ^ function working on a resource
             -> IO b

withResource' :: HasCallStack
              => Resource a      -- ^ resource management record
              -> (a -> IO () -> IO b)   
                    -- ^ second param is the close function for early closing
              -> IO b

We simplified those two functions’ type a little bit, and here is the idea: withResource will take care of resource opening and cleanup automatically, after you finish using it, or when exceptions happen. You only need to pass a function working on that resource. Now let’s read the file created above again:

import           Z.IO       -- this module re-export Z.IO.Resource and other common stuff
import qualified Z.IO.FileSystem as FS

withResource (FS.initFile "./test_file" FS.O_RDWR FS.DEFAULT_FILE_MODE) $ \ file -> do
    bi <- newBufferedInput file
    printStd =<< readLine bi

initFile function doesn’t open the file, and it just records how to open and close the file. Every time you want to do something with the file, use withResource to open(and close) it, that’s all about resource handling in Z.

Resource has a Monad instance, which is useful for safely combining resources, e.g. instead of writing following code:

withResource initRes1 $ \ res1 ->
    withResource initRes2 $ \ res2 ->
        withResource initRes3 $ \ res3 ->
            ... res1 ... res2 ... res3

You could define a combined Resource:

initRes123 :: Resource (Res1, Res2, Res3)
initRes123 = do
    res1 <- initRes1
    res2 <- initRes2
    res3 <- initRes3
    return (res1, res2, res3)

Now withResource initRes123 $ \ (res1, res2, res3) -> ... will first open res1, res2, res3 in order, then close them in reverse order. You could even interleave IO action within Resource using its MonadIO instance:

initRes123 :: Resource (Res1, Res2)
initRes123 = do
    res1 <- initRes1
    res2Param <- liftIO $ ... res1 ...
    res2 <- initRes2 res2Param
    return (res1, res2)

The lifted IO action will become a part of the resource opening process.

Buffered I/O

newBufferedInput and readLine functions in the code above are from Z.IO.Buffered module(also re-exported from Z.IO). In Z-IO, many IO devices(including File above) are instances of Input/Output class:

class Input i where
    readInput :: HasCallStack => i -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
class Output o where
    writeOutput :: HasCallStack => o -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO ()

readInput and writeOutput work on pointers, which is not very convenient for direct usage. Open a BufferedInput or BufferedOutput to get auto-managed buffered I/O:

newBufferedInput :: Input i => i -> IO BufferedInput
newBufferedOutput :: Output o => o -> IO BufferedOutput

There’s a set of functions working on BufferedInput/BufferedOutput in Z.IO.Buffered, for example, to implement a word counter for files:

import           Z.IO       
import qualified Z.IO.FileSystem    as FS
import qualified Z.Data.Vector      as V

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- get file path from command line
    (_:path:_) <- getArgs
    withResource (FS.initFile path FS.O_RDWR FS.DEFAULT_FILE_MODE) $ \ file -> do
        bi <- newBufferedInput file
        printStd =<< loop bi 0
    loop :: BufferedInput -> Int -> IO Int
    loop input !wc = do
        -- read a single line with linefeed dropped
        line <- readLine input
        case line of
            Just line' ->
                loop input (wc + length (V.words line'))
            _ -> return wc

Here’s a quick cheatsheet on buffered IO, BufferedInput first:

-- | Request a chunk from the input device.
readBuffer :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO Bytes

-- | Push back an unconsumed chunk
unReadBuffer :: HasCallStack => Bytes -> BufferedInput -> IO ()

-- | Read exactly N bytes, throw exception if EOF reached before N bytes.
readExactly :: HasCallStack => Int -> BufferedInput -> IO Bytes

--  /----- readToMagic ----- \ /----- readToMagic -----\ ...
-- +------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+
-- |       ...        | magic |       ...       | magic | ...
-- +------------------+-------+-----------------+-------+
readToMagic :: HasCallStack => Word8 -> BufferedInput -> IO Bytes

--  /--- readLine ---\ discarded /--- readLine ---\ discarded / ...
-- +------------------+---------+------------------+---------+
-- |      ...         | \r\n/\n |       ...        | \r\n/\n | ...
-- +------------------+---------+------------------+---------+
readLine :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO (Maybe Bytes)

-- | Read all chunks from input.
readAll :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO [Bytes]
readAll' :: HasCallStack => BufferedInput -> IO Bytes

-- | See Parser & Builder under Z-Data section for the following functions.
-- | Request input using Parser
readParser :: HasCallStack => Parser a -> BufferedInput -> IO a

-- | Request input using ParseChunks, see Parser & Builder under Z-Data section.
readParseChunks :: (Print e, HasCallStack) => ParseChunks IO Bytes e a -> BufferedInput -> IO a

BufferedOutput is relatively simple:

-- | Write a chunk into buffer.
writeBuffer :: HasCallStack => BufferedOutput -> Bytes -> IO ()
-- | Directly write Builder into output device.
writeBuilder :: HasCallStack => BufferedOutput -> Builder a -> IO ()
-- | Flush the buffer into output device.
flushBuffer :: HasCallStack => BufferedOutput -> IO ()

A note on filepath

Other operations from Z.IO.FileSystem module, e.g., seek, mkdtemp, rmdir, etc., are basically mirroring the Unix system call, which should be familiar to people who come from C/C++. The type for file path in Z is CBytes, which is a \NUL terminated byte array managed on GHC heap.

We assumed that CBytes’s content is UTF-8 encoded though it may not always be the case, and there’re some platform differences on file path handling, e.g., the separator on windows is different from Unix. To proper handle file path, use Z.IO.FileSystem.FilePath (which is re-exported from Z.IO.FileSystem), for example, instead of manually connecting file path like:

let p = "foo" <> "/" <> "bar" 

You should always use functions from the library

import qualified Z.IO.FileSystem as FS

let p = "foo" `FS.join` "bar" 
-- "foo" `FS.join` "../bar" will yield "bar" instead of "foo/../bar"