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Table of contents

  1. BIO: composable callbacks
  2. Source and Sink types
  3. Composing BIO

BIO: composable callbacks

In previous sections, we have introduced the Z.IO.Buffered module. And it provides APIs for buffered reading and writing. When combined with Builder and Parser facility, it is easy to handle some simple streaming tasks, for example, read/write packets from TCP wire. But sometimes, things could get complicated. Let’s say you want to use the zlib library to decompress a bytes stream from some file. The interface provided by zlib is like this:

int inflateInit (z_streamp strm, int level);
int inflate (z_streamp strm, int flush);
int inflateEnd (z_streamp strm);

It’s OK to draw a chunk from BufferedInput, feed it to z_streamp, check the status and do some computation if a decompressed chunk is produced. But how to read a line from decompressed streams? We can’t reuse readLine from Z.IO.Buffered since decompressed chunks are not drawn directly from BufferedInput.

Ideally, we should have a composable BufferedInput type, which can accept some transformations and yield another BufferedInput. But BufferedInput is all about managing reading from buffer so that raw byte chunks can be drawn from the device. In Z-IO the BIO type is introduced to solve the composable streaming problem:

type BIO inp out = (Maybe out -> IO ()) -> Maybe inp -> IO ()

Conceptually a BIO is a box doing transformation on data callbacks:

-- A pattern synonym for more meaningful pattern match
pattern EOF :: Maybe a
pattern EOF = Nothing

fooBIO :: BIO foo bar
fooBIO callback maybeFoo = do
    ... use callback to pass output data
    case maybeFoo of
        Just foo ->
            ... you can send result to downstream by pass Just values
            ... to callback, and you can call callback multiple times.
            callback (Just ...)
            callback (Just ...)
        EOF ->
            ... you should pass EOF to callback to indicate current
            ... node also reaches its EOF
            callback EOF

BIO type have two params:

  • A callback :: Maybe out -> IO ()(often written as k) which get called when to write downstream:
    • A Just out value is an item passed to downstream.
    • A EOF notified downstream EOF.
  • A Maybe inp value which comes from upstream:
    • A Just inp value is an item from upstream.
    • A EOF notified upstream EOF.

Let’s take zlib’s z_streamp as an example to implement a compressing BIO node:

compressBIO :: ZStream -> BIO V.Bytes V.Bytes
compressBIO zs = \ callback mbs ->
    case mbs of
        Just bs -> do
            -- feed input chunk to ZStream
            set_avail_in zs bs (V.length bs)
            let loop = do
                    oavail :: CUInt <- withCPtr zs $ \ ps -> do
                        -- perform deflate and peek output buffer remaining
                        throwZlibIfMinus_ (deflate ps (#const Z_NO_FLUSH))
                        (#peek struct z_stream_s, avail_out) ps
                    when (oavail == 0) $ do
                        -- when output buffer is full,
                        -- freeze chunk and call the callback
                        oarr <- A.unsafeFreezeArr =<< readIORef bufRef
                        callback (Just (V.PrimVector oarr 0 bufSiz))
        _ -> ... similar to above, with no input chunk and Z_FINISH flag

Source and Sink types

Now let’s consider the following devices:

  • A data source which doesn’t take any input but can be read until EOF.
  • A data sink which only performs writing without producing any meaningful result.

We can have the definitions for data Source and Sink by using Void from Data.Void:

-- Source type doesn't need input
type Source a = BIO Void a
-- Sink type doesn't produce output
type Sink a = BIO a Void

Because Void type doesn’t have constructors, one should ignore the Maybe Void param when defining a Source. For example, a BIO node sourcing chunks from BufferedInput can be implemented like this:

sourceFromBuffered :: BufferedInput -> Source V.Bytes
sourceFromBuffered i = \ k _ ->
    let loop = readBuffer i >>= \ x ->
            if V.null x then k EOF else k (Just x) >> loop
    in loop

For type Sink a = BIO a Void, the callback type is Maybe Void -> IO (), which means you can only pass EOF to the callback, the convention here is to only call callback when EOF:

-- | The `BufferedOutput` device will get flushed only on EOF.
sinkToBuffered :: BufferedOutput -> Sink V.Bytes
sinkToBuffered bo = \ k mbs ->
    case mbs of
        Just bs -> writeBuffer bo bs
        _       -> flushBuffer bo >> k EOF

Composing BIO

The BIO type could be composed via (.), i.e. the function composition. The composition’s result has some interesting facts:

  • If you compose a Source a to BIO a b, you will get a Source b.
  • If you compose a BIO a b to Sink b, you will get a Sink a.

So let’s say you want to count the line number of a file, you could use BIO:

import Z.IO
import Z.Data.PrimRef 

main :: IO ()
main = do
    _:path:_ <- getArgs
    withResource (initSourceFromFile path) $ \ fileSource -> do
        counterRef <- newCounter 0
        let counter = counterNode counterRef
        splitter <- newLineSplitter
        runBIO_ $ fileSource . splitter . counter
        printStd =<< readPrimIORef counterRef

runBIO_ :: Source a -> IO () simply supply a EOF to the BIO chain, and fileSource will drive the whole chain running until EOF, it’s defined as:

discard :: a -> IO ()
{-# INLINABLE discard #-}
discard _ = return ()

runBIO_ :: BIO inp out -> IO ()
{-# INLINABLE runBIO_ #-}
runBIO_ bio = bio discard EOF

Another example from the introduce BIO blog post:

import Z.Data.CBytes    (CBytes)
import Z.IO
import Z.IO.BIO
import Z.IO.BIO.Zlib

base64AndCompressFile :: HasCallStack => CBytes -> CBytes -> IO ()
base64AndCompressFile origin target = do
    base64Enc <- newBase64Encoder
    (_, zlibCompressor) <- newCompress defaultCompressConfig{compressWindowBits = 31}

    withResource (initSourceFromFile origin) $ \ src ->
        withResource (initSinkToFile target) $ \ sink ->
            runBIO_ $ src . base64Enc . zlibCompressor . sink

Above code is similar to command line cat origin | base | gzip > target.